その一例として、化合物を利用した遺伝子発現制御技術を拡張し、異なる遺伝子を同一細胞内で異なるタイミングで制御できることを示しました(Nomura W. et al Biochemistry 2018)。またゲノム編集技術で特に問題となるオフターゲット作用(標的以外の遺伝子を改変してしまう現象)を効果的に抑制する技術も見出しています。ゲノム編集技術はCRISPR-Casシステムを中心とした技術開発、応用研究が世界的に熾烈な競争になっています。我々のグループではCRISPR-Casシステムだけではなく、ジンクフィンガー、TALEといったプラットフォームの拡張性にも着目した研究を進めています(Matsumoto D. et al Biochemistry 2019)。
京都大学では化学研究所(宇治)にあった杉浦幸雄先生の研究室で研究構想の立て方から論文の書き方、研究センスの磨き方まで研究のイロハについて杉浦先生から手ほどきを受けました。博士号取得後に渡米し、サンディエゴにあるスクリプス研究所で博士研究員としてCarlos Barbas先生の研究室に所属しました。Barbas先生からは化学の視点から生物学を見る重要性、分野に囚われず自分の研究を開拓していく心意気、サイエンスにおけるフェアネスを教えていただきました。2年余りのサンディエゴ生活の後に東京医科歯科大学生体材料工学研究所の玉村啓和先生に助教として採用していただき、その後、講師、准教授として11年余りを東京で過ごしました。玉村先生からはアカデミックの世界で生きていくノウハウを学びました。大学、大学院、留学時代を通じて多くの素晴らしい同級生、同僚、先輩、後輩に恵まれ、今も折りに触れ指導いただいています。
野村 渉
The Laboratory of Genome and Biomolecular Engineering for Drug Discovery is a new laboratory launched on April 1, 2019. It succeeds its predecessor, the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry. Genome editing technology is the latest technology that is expected to be applied to various fields such as medicine, drug discovery, and breeding. Our group is working on discovering technologies and findings that go even further, as well as on controlling gene and cell functions derived from genome editing technology.
As an example, we have extended gene expression control technology using compounds and demonstrated that different genes can be controlled at different times in the same cell (Nomura W. et al Biochemistry 2018). They have also discovered a technology that effectively suppresses off-target effects (the phenomenon of altering genes other than the target), which is a particular problem with genome editing technology. Genome editing technology has become a fierce competition worldwide in technological development and applied research centered on the CRISPR-Cas system. Our group is not only focusing on the CRISPR-Cas system, but also on the scalability of platforms such as zinc fingers and TALE (Matsumoto D. et al Biochemistry 2019).
Ten years have passed since the introduction of the six-year pharmacy school system in Japan, and while the results are being achieved, it can be said that the school is also facing various challenges. As someone who studied pharmacy, I feel that there are points of view and research guidelines that can only be obtained from a pharmacy school, and we must be diligent in our research in order to foster human resources who are needed by society and who can lead society, whether in industry, academia, or government offices. The pharmaceutical industry is changing rapidly, as seen in the recent rise of antibody drugs and the practical application of nucleic acid drugs. We must realize a new form of pharmaceutical science that incorporates the latest knowledge and research trends, and not just research development based on the historical flow of pharmaceutical science.
Research becomes an obsession once you have experimented with your own hands for a long time and know the feeling of getting good results. Being a researcher is a humble profession. It is not easy, nor is it possible to obtain tangible results in a short period of time. The research results that make the headlines in the news are only a small part of the steady efforts that researchers have made over the years. However, that is precisely why the joy of obtaining by one's own hands results that are still unknown in the world is something that cannot be expressed in words.
At Kyoto University, Professor Yukio Sugiura taught me the basics of research, including how to formulate a research plan, how to write a research paper, and how to refine my research sense in his laboratory at the Institute for Chemical Research, Uji, Japan. After finished my Ph.D., I joined the laboratory of Professor Carlos F. Barbas, III as a postdoctoral fellow at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, where Professor Barbas taught me the importance of looking at biology from the perspective of chemistry, the spirit to explore own research regardless of the field, and fairness in sciences. After spending two years in San Diego with great friends, I joined Professor Hirokazu Tamamura's group at the Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University as an assistant professor, and spent the next 11 years in Tokyo as a lecturer and associate professor. From Professor Tamamura, I learned the know-how of living in the academic world. I was blessed with many wonderful classmates, colleagues, seniors, and juniors throughout my university, graduate school, and study abroad years, and I continue to receive guidance from him from time to time.
Students who are interested in research, why don't you join us? I am looking forward to seeing the enthusiasm of the young generation to challenge new knowledge. Let's take on this challenge together and produce results that will surprise the world!
Students who are interested in research, why don't you join us? I am looking forward to seeing the enthusiasm of the young generation to challenge new knowledge. Let's take on this challenge together and produce results that will surprise the world!
Wataru Nomura, Ph.D.